Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2012 Justice for Palestine Festival in Dundee - Mick Napier from Scottish PSC

2012 Justice for Palestine Festival in Dundee - Mick Napier from Scottish PSC Tube. Duration : 8.73 Mins.

Mick Napier from the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign was one of the speakers at the Justice for Palestine Festival held in Dundee, Tayside on 9th June 2012. The festival was held to highlight and make people aware about the Palestinian situation and let folk know what they can do to make a difference such as getting involved in the boycott campaign. The festival was also a cultural event and there were several musical acts and an artistic display. The highlight of the outdoor festival was the Palestinian youth dance troupe who are from the refugee camp in Aida in Bethlehem who are touring Britain just now. There were several speakers who have travelled to Palestine and seen the horrors the Palestinians have to put up with and who campaign tirelessly for Palestine. One such speaker was Mick and this is the video of his speech. He commented on his delight to have seen the dance group perform and said the message of the dance is that they are not going to disappear and let their homes and farms and country be taken over by colonists from Europe or America or wherever. He said the Zionist plan for the Palestinians is that they should disappear, become demoralised and come to believe they are inferior and make way for a superior colonising project. These methods have been used by colonisers throughout history and several tribes and peoples such as the Cheyenne or the Arapaho have been practically or actually wiped out like the people of Tasmania who were completely ...

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